Needle Free Hair Transplantation

Needle Free Hair Transplantation

What is Needle Free Hair Transplantation?

Needle-free hair transplantation technique is a suitable option for patients who have hair loss and baldness problems but avoid getting support about hair transplantation due to their fear of needles. Fear of needles and pain experienced during needle injection is often a disregarded obstacle in hair transplantation procedures that may hamper access to effective treatment services. Needle phobia, defined as an intense, persistent and unreasonable fear of needles, affects more than 20% of the population.

In this transplantation technique; needle-free tools are used to inject any fluids (anesthetics, corticosteroids) through painless intradermal projection without the use of needles or contacting the patient’s skin. They penetrate the skin with high pressure liquid. Therefore, the patient doesn’t feel any pain or ache during needle-free hair transplantation.

Who are suitable for this hair transplantation technique?

Hair loss can be extremely difficult to accept emotionally for both men and women. It can affect one’s self-confidence, especially when hair loss occurs at a young age. Fortunately, there are certain hair transplantation techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which provide a highly effective solution for people interested in treating hair loss. In addition, there are various techniques and methods in FUE hair transplantation. However, it is a known fact that patients with needle phobia stay away from hair transplantation operations. Today, needle-free anesthesia and hair transplantation techniques make hair transplantation possible for these patients.

How this technique is applied?

In needle-free hair transplantation, after the application of needle-free anesthesia, the hair follicles are taken one by one with special implant tools and implanted in the areas hair loss is experienced one by one taking into account the hair design and plan made for that person. Patients with a fear of needles never feel pain or ache at any stage of the transplantation phase. This technique offers a highly effective treatment with minimally invasive options.

How is the healing process like in this technique?

Needle-Free Hair TransplantationThis technique provides patients with a safe, minimally invasive hair restoration procedure. With the this technique, the hair gradually grows and gets denser in about 1 year. After this period, the transplanted hair enters the natural hair cycle. It can be cut and shaped as desired. In the needle-free hair transplantation technique, hair transplantation and the technique used are very important as in all other techniques. It is very important that the hair transplant surgeon and hair transplant specialists are trained and experienced in this technique. With the hair transplant operation which is planned considering the patient’s fear of needles, the patient can leave behind the hair loss problems and get the hair they dreamed about.

What are the advantages of needle-free hair transplantation technique?

  • Needle-free anesthesia technique: Topical and needle-free local anesthesia techniques are used for hair transplantation.
  • Minimally invasive treatment: This technique not only provides a painless and acheless operation process, but also reduces the risk of interrupting your daily life.
  • The advantage of a specialist surgeon and team: Needle-free hair transplantation technique is applied by hair transplant surgeons and hair transplant teams in a full-fledged clinical environment.
  • Suitable for all hair types: Needle-free hair transplantation, in addition to all hair types, can be used for both men and women who have fear of needles.More transplant options: This technique can solve the hair loss problems that patients with a needle phobia are facing not only concerning hair on scalp but also on other areas such as body, face and eyebrows.
  • You can contact out hair transplantation center to learn more about how needle-free hair transplantation can change your hair and life.

Is needle-free anesthesia painful?

Needle-free anesthetic is intended to reduce discomfort during treatments and is often painless. It delivers anesthetic via the skin using high-pressure technology rather than a conventional needle. Since this technique only produces a fleeting feeling akin to a little pinch or minor pressure, it is often chosen by patients who are needle-averse.

The procedure is more pleasant since there is no needle to frighten them away. Overall, it’s much less intrusive than a typical injection, however individual sensitivities might vary, so some patients may experience slight pain.